Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Du Noyer Photography Competition 2009

Du Noyer Geological Photography Competition 2009

Entries are invited for the 11th Du Noyer Geological Photography Competition, which each year seems to go from strength to strength.

George Victor Du Noyer, who served as a geologist with the Geological Survey of Ireland from 1847 to 1869, was a skilled field artist whose numerous sketches and pictures, with their combination of artistic skill and technical accuracy, were the “field photographs” of their day.

This competition seeks to encourage the same blend of artistic and scientific skills through the medium of photography.

Prizes will be awarded in two categories, Irish and Foreign,
and a prize fund of €800 applies.

All photographs - print or digital - entered must be supplemented with the following information:

* Name
* Address
* Telephone number
* Email of entrant/photographer
* Short description of geological content
* Place and Date when taken

For prints please write on a label and stick it onto the back of the photographs or include a note with each entry. DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK OF THE PHOTOGRAPH. Prints must be not less than 6 x 4 inches in size. For digital entries please include the required information in the e-mail and please send high resolution images if possible.

Entrants may submit a maximum of 4 photographs, illustrating any aspect of field geology or scenic landscapes.

The competition will be judged by a panel including representatives of the IGA, the GSI and external nominees and their decision will be final. Entries will be exhibited and prizes awarded at a GSI Cunningham Awards ceremony in early December.

We are not in a position to return entry material.

GSI reserves the right to reproduce entries in its publications and promotional activity with due acknowledgement.

Entries should be posted in an envelope marked “Du Noyer Competition” to: Cartography Unit, Geological Survey of Ireland, Beggars Bush, Haddington Rd, Dublin 4 or e-mailed to

Evaluation Criteria

· Creativity (25 marks)
· Technical Skill of the Photographer (25 marks)
· Geological Content of Photograph (50 marks)

Closing date for entries: Friday 9th October 2009.

Ceremony awards: Friday 4th December 2009, GSI, Dublin.